Hi All & Welcome to The Art Box! Thoughts, Sayings & Lessons The Brick & Mortar Place of ArtIn this fast paced world and everyone want to do everything online....I finally want to take my traveling show to a Brick & Mortar (literally) place. I was blessed to find a space in my home town that used to be an artist colony. I am very excited to be able to move my mobile studio into a permanent place. I will probably still do a few shows a year, out in our little corner of God's Country, but I will now have a very large area to host Paint & Art Parties, Kids Birthday Parties, Adult paint parties and an artisan fair once a month. The space is colorful and very roomie. The front part of the building will house my own art work for sale. If you know me, you know that I love to do custom work of all kinds! Remembrance Art is near and dear to my heart and a treasure that I love working with families on. From portraits to resin art using ashes and creating resin jewelry to memorialize pets or loved ones is a true joy. My latest creations are in the realm of Graphic Design creating T-shirts, coffee mugs, tumblers, keychains and puzzles. All that, can be customized with your favorite saying, family photos or TEAM memories. The possibilities are limitless! I will be opening the doors in a few weeks, so in the mean time, check out my online presence as I build it up. In May, I will be launching an online Monthly Art Membership to coincide with opening the Brick & Mortar Studio. It is called 'Artists Beyond High School" It is an art class online in a private group, with daily and weekly activities for those who loved art in HS but it got away from them after they graduated because of College, job or life. Anyone is welcome to join beyond HS.
It's A Dream....Make It A Reality!
Hey All! All of my life I have done ART. My mother was a phenomenal First Job I got my first job teaching Art & PE in the same school district. I was in heaven, getting to do everything that I wanted to do at the time, but I found that I longed for more art. So as I worked on different art projects and taught my students, I came across more and more different media to try. I would make examples for my students and love it and then create more pieces. Pretty soon I had art projects laying around. So I decided to start doing art shows to sell my work that was just finished and laying around. I often times would create something new to give as a gift. Sometimes it would be the only one that I made using that media or technique. If I found something that I really enjoyed, I would create more of it. I ended up always coming back to drawing portraits of people, animals and architecture. I found that this was my passion. In the area where I live, I became known as The Portrait Lady. I used to set up at malls and festivals and people got used to knowing from year to year that I would be at the venue that they enjoyed attending and would bring their photos with them and ready to place an order for a custom, hand-drawn portrait. (This was before my website and the wildly popular internet.) Original Website Once I acquired my website, Bunches Of Treasures Studio (Using my married last name at the time, 'Bunch')I then had an online gallery with a trinket/treasure shop in it as well. After about 3 years, my website DISAPPEARED. Someone had somehow, stolen my URL. I found it and they wanted $2k for it. LOL. A couple of years went by and it became available again at a reasonable rental fee. YaY!! I have been BunchesOfTreasures.com ever since. Over the years I started putting other art items in my booth besides my portraits. I was Teaching school and doing shows once a month or every other month. Selling my Art was very part time. In the last couple of years, my schedule has changed drastically with teaching and online has been more and more prevalent. As I have taught Photoshop and Illustrator in the past, I have always LOVED graphic design. I have also for many many years wanted to go solo and give a 100% go at doing my art full time. Well, you know me, always working 2 or 3 jobs in all of my areas to continue doing EVERYTHNG that I love. And if you are just getting introduced to me, welcome to the journey. I am always willing to try something new, (as long as it is legal ;-) ) and I am ready to take this leap of faith. I am going to continue teaching art in some capacity and the safety aspects of driver education..........and A Leap Of Faith It is time for me to leap, both feet in at one time to the art world. I have always worked this part-time. When I had no 'go to' job, Art put food on my table and gas in my car until I could secure another teaching job. I was scared to try it full time. I always felt I had to have a JOB. Who knew that I could be wrong. lol This past fall I did a huge art job for the city I live in. With that money I was able to invest in my future and I purchased a heat press so that I can make T-shirts, coffee mugs, masks, hats and tumblers. I also love working with resin and my new shop, affectionately known here at home at Studio B (with the proper ventilation to do these things) is slowly coming together, while my existing studio still is home to my portraits, painting and multi media. Adding into this, my years of marketing experience, I am excited to be serving a community of appreciative and interested people, here at home and all around the world. What Can I Create For You? Put on your thinking caps my friends. Custom work has always been my passion, when it comes to art. So with the introduction to the new adventure in my art journey, I will be creating not only the above listed appearal items, but also expanding my resin work to include custom tumblers and Memorial Resin Art pieces. Keep an eye out on my website and facebook page for new examples coming your way. Dream to Reality? Why yes, I believe so...I am taking the Leap!
Marbeling on Fingernails. The Tiny CanvasI love the traditional art of marbling.When I first think of marbeling, I think about the inside covers of old victorian books. They are sooooo beautiful with the colors swirling around and intermingleing with each other.There are so many different ways/techiques to marble. There is traditional marbeling on a thix (Thick geletinish water solution), water marbeling (nail polish on water), shaving cream marbeling (fun to do with little kiddos) and Marbeling on liquid starch, just to name a few.My latest marbeling love though, is marbeling directly onto fingernails. Give me a box full of nailpolish and some toothpicks and stand back to watch the magic happen! The possabilities are endless.Helpful Hints and Tricks Of The Trade
Yes It Is Made From Eggshells!Yes It Is Made From Eggshells!I had the honor of being invited to be a guest on Hobbies Crafts and Collectibles with Duska Cornwell on WEIU television in Charleston Illinois. WEIU is the TV station at Eastern Illinois University. I was featured and demonstrated how to create Eggshell art. She did feature my portraiture first and then my other found object pieces. Enjoy!
Starry Starry NightVincent VanGogh's Starry Starry Night
Have you ever wondered what the song Starry Starry Night by Don McLean was realy about? Do you ever listen to songs and wonder why did they write this or what does it all mean? Below find the link to the song Starry Starry Night by Don McLean. On the webpage under the video are the lyrics on the right side and an explaination of the lyrics on the left. Very interesting indeed. Enjoy! www.vangoghgallery.com/painting/starrynightlyrics.html
My WOW moment!I suppose at some moment in time everyone has their 'WOW' moments. Their epiphany of something that has occured in their life takes a hold of them and pulls them out of their skin. I had one this last month when I was strongly urged by friends and family to step out into this big world and use my passion to make a living. I have LOVED photography all of my life. In the words of my father, "Genine, you take pictures of everything that moves and everything that didn't move." I never thought about using my camera and God's wonderful gifts in me to record other peoples history and bring joy to their events. Lasting memeories.Allow me to Draw on your past memories, today!Walk Your Talk & Never Give Up!
I have done my artwork to put food on the table before and for my own pleasure as well as having the joy of teaching others. I have this burning urge to make my art journey explode! So here I begin with the first step......
© Bunches Of Treasures Studio